A24 Schedule of AWR

Frequency Start UTC Stop UTC CIRAF - click here to see map Broadcaster FMO Language Transmitter Latitude Longitude Beam Power (kW) Days of operation (Sun=1) From date To date Notes
11640 0000 0030 49E Adventist World Radio AWR Vie Tashkent 41N19 069E17 122 100 1234567 01-Apr-2024 27-Oct-2024 x223
11730 0000 0100 43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Tashkent 41N19 069E17 76 100 1234567 01-Apr-2024 27-Oct-2024 x202
11925 0000 0030 49NW Adventist World Radio AWR Mya Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 60 125 1234567 01-Apr-2024 27-Oct-2024 x210
15515 0000 0030 49E Adventist World Radio AWR Tha Tashkent 41N19 069E17 121 100 1234567 01-Apr-2024 27-Oct-2024 x203
11925 0030 0100 49NW Adventist World Radio AWR Kxf Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 60 125 1234567 01-Apr-2024 27-Oct-2024 x210
15515 0030 0100 49NW Adventist World Radio AWR Csh Tashkent 41N19 069E17 121 100 1234567 01-Apr-2024 27-Oct-2024 x209
15445 0100 0200 49E Adventist World Radio ENC Vie Taipei 25N09 121E24 250 100 7 31-Mar-2024 27-Oct-2024
15515 0100 0200 43S,44S Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Tashkent 41N19 069E17 110 125 7 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x219
15515 0100 0130 43S,44S Adventist World Radio AWR Nan Tashkent 41N19 069E17 110 125 12345 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x219
15515 0100 0130 43S,44S Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Tashkent 41N19 069E17 110 125 6 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x219
15630 0100 0130 32S,33S,43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Nan Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 12345 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x212
15630 0100 0130 32S,33S,43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 67 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x212
15515 0130 0200 43S,44S Adventist World Radio AWR Yue Tashkent 41N19 069E17 110 100 123456 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x219
15630 0130 0200 32S,33S,43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Yue Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 123456 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x212
15630 0130 0200 32S,33S,43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 7 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x212
9510 0200 0230 40E,41NW Adventist World Radio AWR Urd Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 91 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x312
15515 0200 0300 41NE Adventist World Radio AWR Eng Duchanbe 38N40 068E50 125 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x201
9510 0230 0300 40E,41NW Adventist World Radio AWR Pan Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 91 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x214
15445 0230 0300 40W Adventist World Radio AWR Prs Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 335 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x320
6065 0300 0400 53 Adventist World Radio AWR Mlg Madagascar 18S48 047E36 20 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x111
11960 0300 0330 48 Adventist World Radio AWR Tir Nauen 52N38 012E54 140 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x109
11870 0330 0400 40 Adventist World Radio AWR Fas Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 103 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x303
11960 0330 0400 48 Adventist World Radio AWR Orm Nauen 52N38 012E54 140 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x113
11870 0400 0430 29S,39N,40W Adventist World Radio AWR Tur Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 115 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x310
15515 0400 0430 48 Adventist World Radio AWR Amh Nauen 52N38 012E54 140 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x110
7390 0430 0500 37,38W Adventist World Radio AWR Fra Nauen 52N38 012E54 210 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x307
15560 0500 0530 46SE,47W Adventist World Radio AWR Hau Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 190 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x112
17790 0500 0600 38E,39,47N,48N Adventist World Radio AWR Ara Madagascar 18S48 047E36 350 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x315
15220 0600 0630 46S Adventist World Radio AWR Fra Nauen 52N38 012E54 175 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x104
15560 0600 0700 38 Adventist World Radio AWR Ara Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 175 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x306
17790 0600 0630 46S Adventist World Radio AWR Fra Nauen 52N38 012E54 200 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x104
15220 0700 0800 37,38W Adventist World Radio AWR Ara Nauen 52N38 012E54 210 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x307
15610 0700 0730 46S Adventist World Radio AWR Fra Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 206 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x104
15145 0800 0830 37,38W Adventist World Radio AWR Fra Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 225 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x307
15220 0830 0900 37,38W Adventist World Radio AWR Shi Nauen 52N38 012E54 210 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x307
9610 0900 1000 28W Adventist World Radio AWR Ita Nauen 52N38 012E54 180 125 1 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x305
17720 1030 1100 43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Mon Tashkent 41N19 069E17 76 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x211
15500 1100 1130 54 Adventist World Radio AWR Ind Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 105 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x225
15500 1130 1200 49S,54 Adventist World Radio AWR Jav Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 105 125 246 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x205
15500 1130 1200 49S,54 Adventist World Radio AWR Sun Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 105 125 1357 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x205
12105 1200 1230 43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Nan Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 12345 31-Mar-2024 01-Apr-2024 x202
12105 1200 1230 43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 67 31-Mar-2024 01-Apr-2024 x202
15430 1200 1230 54SE Adventist World Radio AWR Ban Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 105 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x232
15515 1200 1300 44NE,45NW Adventist World Radio AWR Kor Duchanbe 38N40 068E50 60 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x207
15600 1200 1230 33S,43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Nan Tashkent 41N19 069E17 76 100 12345 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x212
15600 1200 1230 33S,43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Tashkent 41N19 069E17 76 100 67 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x212
15610 1200 1230 49 Adventist World Radio AWR Mnw Duchanbe 38N40 068E50 125 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x209
12105 1230 1300 43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Yue Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 123457 31-Mar-2024 01-Apr-2024 x202
12105 1230 1300 43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 6 31-Mar-2024 01-Apr-2024 x202
15600 1230 1300 33S,43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Yue Tashkent 41N19 069E17 76 100 123457 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x212
15600 1230 1300 33S,43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Tashkent 41N19 069E17 76 100 6 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x212
15255 1300 1330 41NE Adventist World Radio AWR Nep Duchanbe 38N40 068E50 125 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x213
15430 1300 1330 41NE Adventist World Radio AWR Ben Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x201
15505 1300 1330 49NW Adventist World Radio AWR Csh Duchanbe 38N40 068E50 125 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x209
15710 1300 1330 54 Adventist World Radio AWR Hak Tashkent 41N19 069E17 110 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x205
17570 1300 1330 54NE Adventist World Radio AWR Ind Madagascar 18S48 047E36 95 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x232
17605 1300 1400 43S,49 Adventist World Radio AWR Vie Madagascar 18S48 047E36 60 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x223
15430 1330 1400 41NE Adventist World Radio AWR Kha Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 25 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x214
15440 1330 1400 49E Adventist World Radio AWR Tha Duchanbe 38N40 068E50 125 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x203
15505 1330 1400 49NW Adventist World Radio AWR Lis Duchanbe 38N40 068E50 125 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x209
17620 1330 1400 49E Adventist World Radio AWR Lao Tashkent 41N19 069E17 121 100 57 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x203
17620 1330 1400 49E Adventist World Radio AWR Tts Tashkent 41N19 069E17 121 100 12346 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x203
17725 1330 1400 54SE Adventist World Radio AWR Aoz Madagascar 18S48 047E36 85 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x232
17790 1330 1400 41NE Adventist World Radio AWR Asm Tashkent 41N19 069E17 110 100 14 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x213
17790 1330 1400 54N Adventist World Radio AWR Ind Tashkent 41N19 069E17 110 100 237 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x228
17790 1330 1400 41NE Adventist World Radio AWR Hmn Tashkent 41N19 069E17 110 100 56 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x222
6055 1400 1500 53 Adventist World Radio AWR Mlg Madagascar 18S48 047E36 20 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x111
11800 1400 1430 49NW Adventist World Radio AWR Kxf Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 45 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x210
15505 1400 1500 41NE Adventist World Radio AWR Eng Duchanbe 38N40 068E50 125 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x201
15710 1400 1500 43S,44S Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Tashkent 41N19 069E17 110 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x219
17570 1400 1430 41S Adventist World Radio AWR Sin Madagascar 18S48 047E36 60 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x221
17725 1400 1430 40E,41NW Adventist World Radio AWR Urd Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 85 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x312
11800 1430 1500 49NW Adventist World Radio AWR Kxf Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 45 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x210
11850 1430 1500 49NW Adventist World Radio AWR Mya Tashkent 41N19 069E17 122 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x209
9445 1500 1530 41S Adventist World Radio AWR Tam Tashkent 41N19 069E17 163 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x220
9740 1500 1530 41N Adventist World Radio AWR Nep Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 15 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x215
15265 1500 1530 29S,39N,40W Adventist World Radio AWR Tur Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 115 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x310
15605 1500 1530 41NE Adventist World Radio AWR Lus Madagascar 18S48 047E36 50 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x213
9470 1530 1600 41W Adventist World Radio AWR Hin Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 15 125 1234567 02-Apr-2024 26-Oct-2024 x230
11955 1530 1600 41N Adventist World Radio AWR Hin Tashkent 41N19 069E17 141 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x217
12080 1530 1600 41W Adventist World Radio AWR Hin Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 335 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 01-Apr-2024 x230
15605 1530 1600 41S Adventist World Radio AWR Mal Madagascar 18S48 047E36 50 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x220
15680 1530 1600 41S Adventist World Radio AWR Kan Tashkent 41N19 069E17 163 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x220
17725 1530 1600 40E,41NW Adventist World Radio AWR Pan Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 85 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x312
11955 1600 1630 41N Adventist World Radio AWR Urd Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 355 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x217
17565 1600 1630 40E,41NW Adventist World Radio AWR Urd Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 85 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x312
17730 1600 1630 41 Adventist World Radio AWR Mar Madagascar 18S48 047E36 45 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x204
11875 1630 1700 48 Adventist World Radio AWR Som Madagascar 18S48 047E36 0 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x114
15490 1630 1700 48 Adventist World Radio AWR Tir Nauen 52N38 012E54 140 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x109
15605 1630 1700 40 Adventist World Radio AWR Fas Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 100 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x303
17725 1630 1700 48 Adventist World Radio AWR Amh Nauen 52N38 012E54 140 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x110
17590 1700 1730 48SW,53NW Adventist World Radio AWR Swa Madagascar 18S48 047E36 310 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x117
11850 1730 1800 48SW,53NW Adventist World Radio AWR Swa Madagascar 18S48 047E36 350 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x117
17570 1730 1800 48SW,53NW Adventist World Radio AWR Mas Nauen 52N38 012E54 155 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x117
17725 1730 1800 48 Adventist World Radio AWR Orm Nauen 52N38 012E54 145 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x113
11955 1800 1900 38N Adventist World Radio AWR Ara Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 180 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x306
11800 1900 2000 37,38W Adventist World Radio AWR Ara Nauen 52N38 012E54 210 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x307
11880 1900 2000 38E,39,47N,48N Adventist World Radio AWR Ara Madagascar 18S48 047E36 0 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x315
15440 1900 1930 46SE,47W Adventist World Radio AWR Hau Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 180 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x112
15490 1900 2000 44NE,45NW Adventist World Radio AWR Kor Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 45 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x207
11955 1930 2000 37,38W Adventist World Radio AWR Shi Nauen 52N38 012E54 210 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x307
15440 1930 2000 46SE Adventist World Radio AWR Ibo Nauen 52N38 012E54 180 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x112
17570 1930 2000 47,48W,52,53W Adventist World Radio AWR Fra Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 170 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x103
9555 2000 2030 46E,47W Adventist World Radio AWR Fra Nauen 52N38 012E54 185 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x105
9780 2000 2030 37,38W Adventist World Radio AWR Fra Nauen 52N38 012E54 210 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x307
11800 2000 2030 46SW Adventist World Radio AWR Mos Nauen 52N38 012E54 200 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x121
11955 2000 2030 46 Adventist World Radio AWR Dyu Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 210 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x102
11790 2030 2100 46SE Adventist World Radio AWR Yor Nauen 52N38 012E54 180 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x112
15440 2030 2100 46 Adventist World Radio AWR Fra Moosbrunn 48N00 016E28 210 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x118
12040 2100 2130 46SE Adventist World Radio AWR Pcm Nauen 52N38 012E54 180 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x112
12040 2130 2200 46SE Adventist World Radio AWR Twi Nauen 52N38 012E54 200 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x118
9490 2200 2300 43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Tashkent 41N19 069E17 76 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x202
11875 2200 2300 43S,49 Adventist World Radio AWR Vie Madagascar 18S48 047E36 50 250 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x223
12040 2200 2230 54 Adventist World Radio AWR Eng Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 105 125 135 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x225
12040 2200 2230 54 Adventist World Radio AWR Sun Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 105 125 2467 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x225
15320 2200 2230 54 Adventist World Radio AWR Nij Tashkent 41N19 069E17 131 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x225
12040 2230 2300 54 Adventist World Radio AWR Ind Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 105 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x225
15320 2230 2300 54 Adventist World Radio AWR Jav Tashkent 41N19 069E17 131 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x225
9700 2300 2330 49E Adventist World Radio AWR Khm Tashkent 41N19 069E17 121 100 167 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x203
9700 2300 2330 49E Adventist World Radio AWR Khm Tashkent 41N19 069E17 121 100 2345 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x203
15625 2300 2400 32S,33S,43N,44N Adventist World Radio AWR Cmn Trincomalee (Perkara) 08N44 081E10 45 125 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x212
9700 2330 2400 49E Adventist World Radio AWR Lao Tashkent 41N19 069E17 121 100 1234567 31-Mar-2024 26-Oct-2024 x203