A18 Schedule of RVA

Frequency Start UTC Stop UTC CIRAF - click here to see map Broadcaster FMO Language Transmitter Latitude Longitude Beam Power (kW) Days of operation (Sun=1) From date To date Notes
9645 0000 0027 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Kac Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
9700 0000 0030 49NW Radio Veritas Asia VAT Kac S. Maria di Galeria 42N03 012E19 70 250 1234567 01-Jul-2018 27-Oct-2018 Kachin
15280 0100 0127 41 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Urd Palauig 15N28 119E50 300 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
15255 0130 0200 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Ctd Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
15530 0130 0230 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Vie Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11850 1000 1027 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Khm Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11945 1000 1130 42-44 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Cmn Palauig 15N28 119E50 0 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
15450 1130 1157 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Mya Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11760 1200 1227 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Pww Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11935 1200 1227 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Hmn Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
15225 1230 1257 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Kac Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11850 1300 1357 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Vie Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11870 1330 1357 41 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Ctd Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11870 1400 1427 41 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Hin Palauig 15N28 119E50 300 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11880 1400 1427 41 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Ben Palauig 15N28 119E50 300 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
9610 1430 1457 41 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Urd Palauig 15N28 119E50 300 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11870 1430 1457 41 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Tel Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
11675 1500 1553 38,39 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Fil Palauig 15N28 119E50 300 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
6115 2100 2230 42-44 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Cmn Palauig 15N28 119E50 350 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
15355 2300 2327 42,43 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Fil Palauig 15N28 119E50 0 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018
9670 2330 2357 49 Radio Veritas Asia RVA Vie Palauig 15N28 119E50 280 250 1234567 25-Mar-2018 28-Oct-2018